
Apps to get free Wi-Fi on your smartphone

As melhores maneiras de consertar um iPhone que não se conecta ao Wi-Fi

It is impossible to deny that today’s society is driven, in large part, by the internet and all the possibilities it offers, both professionally and even for entertainment. So much so that it’s hard to imagine what it would be like to be without network access. But it can also happen that you are out and about and you don’t have 3G or 4G mobile data. This is where the question arises of how to have free internet and whether it is really possible.

The answer to this question is YES. Having free internet is possible, because through applications you can access wi-fi applications that discover passwords and break passwords of internet routers. Here at Tech Reporter you will find out what the apps are and how to do it.

We prepared this post to tell you which are the best apps to have free internet on your cell phone. Best of all, you can download them directly from the Google Play Store, without exposing the installation of APKs from third-party stores that could have viruses. So, if you’re away from home and need to access the internet, we’ll teach you how to do it.


Best app’s for Free Wi-Fi

Com esses aplicativos, você não precisará mais se preocupar em não ter dados móveis se estiver fora de casa

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With these apps, you will no longer have to worry about not having mobile data if you are out and about.

  • WiFi Map®: Find Internet, VPN
  • find wifi
  • Facebook
  • Instabridge WiFi Keys
  • Free WiFi Internet Finder
  • Find out on Facebook
  • PSI

WiFi Map®:

First of all, we have what may be the best known Play Store alternative for finding internet access points. This is WiFi Map: Find Internet, VPN, which is capable of detecting just over 6,000,000 of these points in a wide variety of places around the world, even in Brazil.


This is something very positive, because no matter where you are in the world, it is very likely that through this application you will be able to find access points to which you can connect and have free internet. But that’s not all, you can also view these points offline, using GPS, so it needs to work correctly.

You don’t need to download hotspot maps; so it doesn’t matter if you don’t have mobile data, you can always view these places with free WiFi. It is certainly one of the best alternatives to never run out of connection, even if you are far from home and without coverage.



Find Wi-Fi

Another well-known alternative is Find Wi-Fi, which was developed by WeFi and is completely free. It is important to emphasize that this application is not intended to be a revolution, but rather to improve the formula offered by this category.

How this tool works is very simple, because when you run it you’ll be able to see a list of Wi-Fi networks to which you can connect. So far, it’s something it shares with the rest of the alternatives. However, Find Wi-Fi goes a step further, as it also selects the access points that offer the strongest signal strength so that you won’t have any problems using it.

It’s a free app and it works very well, as it suggests WiFi networks that you can connect to and that have the highest intensity. This ensures that you always have a stable connection, whether you’re enjoying multimedia content.



Você provavelmente não sabia, mas o Facebook também permite encontrar redes Wi-Fi
You probably didn't know, but Facebook also lets you find Wi-Fi networks

It may seem curious to you, but it is also possible to use the Facebook application to find Wi-Fi networks that you can connect to. While this is a hidden feature, you'll have to follow a series of steps to access it.

Through the Facebook application, you can view those free access points, such as snack bars, restaurants and other public network sites that are close to you. To do this, you must enter the Menu  section, which will allow you to consult various options, but the one that interests you the most is Show more .

In the new window, you will have to locate yourself in the search bar and type the term "Search Wi-Fi" and enter this option. After that, you can check which sites near you offer free Wi-Fi connection for everyone. This functionality is very useful as it is part of an application that you may already have installed.


Another good alternative, although it takes a different approach as it doesn't show a map with places near you that you can connect to for free.

This application maintains a database that contains many passwords for public places of interest, such as coffee shops, for example, as users upload them to the platform. In this way, anyone else will be able to connect without problems knowing the access code.

Obviously, if you've obtained the access key to a WiFi network, you can share it with the application so that other users can benefit from it. In this way, you also help to enrich the password database. In the end, this tool has a great social component, of teamwork, since the passwords obtained are made available to other people who also need free internet.


Localizador de Internet Wi-Fi gratuito

You may not know it, but there are many places in the world that offer an Internet connection, but either they don't care about putting security on them, or it's a feature directly on the website, like public WiFi. However, knowing what these places are can be a little tricky if you don't have the right tool. Fortunately, there is Free WiFi Internet Finder.

This application takes care of analyzing all the Wi-Fi networks available around you to determine those that don't have a password for you to connect. And when it finds one, it sends you a notification so you can do it manually.

But that's not all, as another feature of the app is that it shows the strongest and most stable networks. It's a good way to always connect to the best and most stable network so you don't have a slow or choppy browsing experience. This is especially useful if you're not at home and need fast Internet access for some work or academic task.

Wi-Fi Free


Last but not least, we have Psiphon, which is officially available on the Play Store and offers many benefits.

With this tool you will not only get free internet on your cell phone, but you will also keep your privacy protected from possible intruders who want to take advantage of it. But that's not all, as it will also remove website censorship. This means that you will be able to access any webpage, regardless of whether it has been restricted.

These are just some of the many benefits that this application offers, although obviously one of its strong points is the possibility of accessing the Internet for free.

On the other hand, it is important to note that this tool is open source, so anyone with the necessary knowledge will be able to take a look at its construction and make sure that everything works correctly. Not to mention that developers can use it to design their own apps.

This is definitely one of the best apps to get free internet on your cell phone.


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